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Golden Grail: unique opportunity for exceptional guaranteed profits of up to 60% p.a.

09.04.2013 08:58

What is gold flare?

Unique opportunity for exceptional guaranteed profits of up to 60% p.a.. Do you want to experience the feeling of financial independence and say goodbye to unfavorable bank interests?

Gold Flare is a project of the company Golden Grail Ltd., which is based in the Republic of Seychelles, the branch – the company´s office is in England at the address:
GU22 7RU
- www.goldengrail.co.uk

The Company Golden Grail Ltd. was founded by successful professionals and experts specializing in capital markets. Management of the company will be glad to prove that the specialists of this company belongs among the leaders in the capital markets for more than ten years. The company Golden Grail Ltd. invests in ethical and morally unblemished modern markets with a high potential of success.


  • Anyone can become a shareholder
  • Investment from 1000 or equivalent in CZK
  • Guaranteed appreciation of 20-60% p.a. /yearly/
  • Contract with guarantee and certified shares with a nominal value of 1000
  • Savings program from 100 (or equivalent in CZK) with guaranteed appreciation of 17% p.a. /yearly/
  • Once saved 1000 of registered shares with nominal value of 1000


  • Guaranteed appreciation of Gold flare
  • The basic input is the amount of 1000 USD
  • The Client will be given 1 share of the company Golden Grail Ltd. for the amount of 1000 USD in nominal value of 1000 USD. At the same time the client closes contractual relationship with the company Golden Grail Ltd.
  • All conditions for appreciation of funding will arise out of this contractual relationship, such as the agreement with a client about investment of these funds, guratees for these funds, return of these funds against return of shares.
  • The client orders share or shares via our website and on the basis of this mail order will receive a draft contract
  • If the client agrees with the contract, sends it back signed and scanned to email address from which the contract was sent originally – therefore as a reply. After the payment of the shares is made, the client will receive by post the appropriate number of shares and the contract (in paper form) signed by the company´s statutory.
  • The appropriate number of shares will be then booked in the Republic of Seychelles
  • The client will see its funding status on our website and each month status of funding appreciation
  • The client receives a bonus of 10% of deposit for a period of 6 months


  • We don´t hide our results. Candidates and partners can monitor trading results online here on https://www.goldengrail.co.uk/redirect/myfxbook
  • Foreign candidates and partners are able to use livechat on pages www.Goldengrail.co.uk, which is equipped with online translatur and therefore can understand all languages which are connected to the google translator
  • Request a special link by mail. If you send this link to any candidates, you can be assured that its registration will go under you within 30 days from the time you gave away this link.

More info


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